SPSE’s Los Banos team from the Philippines are amoung the first SPSE Catholic street evangelists in the country. They started their work there last November, with full support and spiritual guidance from Reverend Father Larry R. Abayon of San Antonio de Padua Parish, Los Banos, Laguna (pictured with the team).
The team reports that although 80% of Filipinos are Catholic, only 23% are practicing. This means that many people around them are experiencing a hunger and thirst for something more, indeed, for Someone more. The team is working to meet this need with an outpouring of love, mercy, and an evangelization that is new, “new in its ardor, new in its methods, and new in its means of expression.”
The Philippines’ Los Banos team finds that St. Paul Street Evangelization helps them take specific, concrete steps that both draw team members closer to Jesus Christ and help them proclaim Him to others. Thank you, Los Banos team!
Jesus gave us the command to take the Good News to all nations, and SPSE is trying to do just that. Are you a member yet? Is there an active team in your hometown? If not, we can help you get started. The hunger and thirst out there is real. If you haven’t already joined SPSE and joined in the solution, please pray about doing so today.