Prayer is essential for evangelization. SPSE teams world-wide are often reminded that only the Holy Spirit changes hearts and we accomplish nothing without Him (cf. Jn 15:5). One team with a committed, simultaneous prayer group backing its on-the-street evangelization efforts is our SPSE team in Kingston Upon Hull, East Yorkshire, UK. In the following, notice how the Holy Spirit was already at work.
The team reported that one young man in particular described himself as “once a Catholic” but now as an independent non-Catholic Christian. He denounced the Catholic Church to the evangelists, quoting from Daniel and Revelation. However, the evangelists prayed with him and invited him to come back and talk with them again. Then he admitted to the team that he is “still popping into St. Charles Borromeo Church”. He also asked an evangelist if she knew about Padre Pio, because he was so impressed by him.
“Of course, I know about him!” she replied.
Too, since there happens to be a local Padre Pio group, the evangelist also asked them to pray for the young man that, “through the intercession of Padre Pio, he will describe himself as a Catholic again!”
Can you see why SPSE’s Kingston Upon Hull team always remembers to thank their “ever trusty prayer supporters, especially Mary and Kathy”? Their group always meets for prayer while the team is out searching for lost souls — such as the young man they encountered this week.
Thank you, Kingston Upon Hull team — visible and invisible! SPSE members find many ways to be actively part of the mission to bring the Good News about Jesus Christ and His Church to the people who need it. Some are on the front lines, on the streets; some, like Mary and Kathy’s group, are providing committed prayer support; and some are simply supporting SPSE financially so we can develop the resources our team members need. Have you become a member yet? Even if you want to stay “behind the scenes”, membership gives you access to materials that can serve to help your own faith grow and remain strong. If you haven’t already joined, please pray about doing so!