Sometimes SPSE teams have non-stop visitors and so evangelists trust the Lord that their short, 2-minute encounters change hearts. But, sometimes, the Lord sends so few visitors that an entire team can take part in an extended conversation. That happened recently in Laredo, TX.

The team first encouraged a student named “Louie” to find a more convenient Mass time, instead of skipping Sunday Mass. He said he’d consider it. Meanwhile, a second young man (also named “Louie”) went by on a skateboard.

Later, the second Louie returned. He said he felt the need to return and speak with them about faith. His family no longer went to Mass because of a brother’s disability. But team members assured him that his family is more than welcome at Mass — even if his brother “made a scene”. Louie then said he was spiritual, prayed to God, and asked for forgiveness in private. Therefore, he didn’t understand the Sacrament of Reconciliation. So team member Andy explained, with evangelists Michael and wife adding detail. When Louie asked about the periods of Jesus’ life not in the Gospels, Deacon Ray spoke to him.

Then Louie admitted trouble with the law and that it weighed heavily on him. He knew what happened and that he was paying the price for it. Because of it, though, he didn’t feel he’d be welcome in the Church. At that, the team let him know that everyone in the Church helps and holds each other up — that “we’re all in it together”. Louie seemed encouraged.

Then Louie said he wanted to develop his spirituality in an exotic land. But Deacon Ray let him know that the non-Christian mysticism there focuses solely on developing the spirituality of the self. But Christianity is other-centered, and spirituality needs to focus on helping and loving others. At this, Louie accepted a Crucifix and pamphlets. He said the team was the answer to the prayer he had said that morning!

Thank you, Team Laredo, for reaching out to both Louies to encourage them to return to practicing their Faith! How many Louies are awaiting a kind word in your hometown? If you’re not already a member of SPSE, please pray about becoming one today!