North Adams, MA. It was a beautiful, sunny day at the Farmer’s Market for the North Adams, Massachusetts SPSE team. They set up at 9 AM, with two newcomers: Rick, and Joe.

During the course of the 4 hours they were there, they had some powerful experiences of the Love of Jesus.

For example, they offered “free information” to a young man who was walking by. He gladly accepted a rosary and the “How to Pray the Rosary” tract, and shared how he had been on drugs and was now “clean” and doing much better. He mentioned that his brother had been murdered some time ago. The team offered their sympathy and support, and invited him to seek after God in the Catholic Church. He was very interested in looking in to it, and attending Mass. An evangelist reported of him, “He has such a wonderful heart filled with love. I pray we will see him again soon and he will continue his journey into the Catholic Faith.”

Another encounter was truly extraordinary. A couple of weeks earlier, the evangelist Maryanne had shared with a woman the goodness and beauty of the Catholic faith, and particularly Our Blessed Mother. This time, the woman returned and shared how she had gone missing – lost in the woods overnight. She said that she saw a strange light which led her to a road sign, and ultimately found her way out of the woods the following day. She firmly believed that it was the Blessed Virgin who helped her out of the woods. Even though she has some concerns about the Catholic faith, she is drawn by Our Lady and wants to know more about her. Please pray that she will find her way in to the Church.

Later on, new evangelists Ron and Sister Jean joined them, and they spoke to a woman about helping a local hospice program with rosaries and instructions on how to pray them.

Great work, team! Let’s support the New Evangelization by hitting the streets and sharing the faith. Will you join us?