Bloomington, IN. Within the first five minutes of this outing of the Indiana University St. Paul Street Evangelization team, a young man, who had fallen away from the practice of the faith, approached. Within about 20 minutes, he was back on the path that leads to life.

He had been thinking, for a while, about coming back. The SPSE National Director, Steve Dawson, talked to him for about five minutes, telling him that all he needs to do to get back on track, is to make a good confession, and recommit his life to loving and serving Jesus Christ.

Luckily, Father Alan of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate was also there to evangelize. The young man could begin his confession right then and there! 15 minutes later, he was reconciled to God and renewed in faith!

Later, Fr. Alan told Steve that if that were the only conversation they would have that day, it would be totally worth it. But Steve replied that if that was the only conversation they had all year, it would be totally worth it!

What a great feeling it is to bring someone back to the Sacraments and to life in Christ! By God’s grace, this is a work that many of our evangelists take part in. Why not join our efforts, and become an instrument of God’s mercy to his wandering children?