Decatur, GA. Many of our teams establish ongoing friendships with people they meet on the street, and have “regulars,” that they encounter. Robert and Ray report in for the Decatur Team:
“Decatur continues to be an ideal location to present and share our Catholic Faith. We recently discovered that the City installed a piece of steel artwork on our normal corner for evangelizing [included in the photo].
We were quickly greeted by four young adults from the ‘Blueprint Church.’ They were overjoyed to see us on the street. Their mission was to walk the street and evangelize those who were in need of the Bible. Sudoku, known as ‘Su,’ was a convert to Christianity from India. He was well versed on quoting passages in the Bible. His core belief appeared to be if it isn’t in the Bible, then there isn’t any Truth to the belief.
Ray and I engaged in great conversation on the Catholic foundation for Purgatory and our belief in Mary. We did not delve deep into these beliefs, but I believe we presented the Truth of the Catholic Church and left Su with much to consider. I believe we will see him again during our future Decatur visits.
We met Betty whose Dad recently passed away and was in need of assistance dealing with this. We offered her a rosary with explanation of its power and a St Christopher metal. She was grateful for our interaction.
Our old friends Jeff, Michael, and Tom stopped by again to ask for another Miraculous Metal. Jeff is always pleased to see us and update us about whom he shares his metals and Catholic Faith with. Although we can’t take credit for it, it appears he is an extension of our Evangelization. As you may recall, Jeff and Michael have been fallen-away Catholics, but clearly something appears to be reborn in them. My attention to Jeff was heightened when he asked if another evangelist, Emmanuel, was with us and expressed how much he had enjoyed his earlier discussion with Emmanuel.
We encountered several more believers who in their own right have a story to share.
Please pray with me for others to join our ministry so we can spread our Faith to greater numbers of people whom we encounter.”
Thank you, Robert and Ray! Keep up that connection with Jeff and the others! Ongoing connections offer the opportunity to be a greater impact on lives. And there is so much at stake: the relationship of creatures with their Creator, and their eternal welfare.