St. Louis, MO. Here is a quick report from Saint Louis – Downtown / Belleville Team coordinator Jim Hooper:

“We wanted to share with you an update from the Street Evangelization Outing on the morning of 10/31, All Hallows’ Eve. The gathering of local teams with National Director and Founder Steve Dawson at the Arch was a success. The team probably talked to over 100 people as they walked past the Old Cathedral to enter the arch grounds. Among several notable visits, was an older man from Belleville, a Baptist, with whom Steve walked all the way to the Arch. The two returned, with the man eager to learn more about the Catholic Faith.

A special thank you goes out to Steve Dawson who drove in from Indiana to be with us, and to Chip Awalt, Gary McLeane, Deacon Tim DeRousse, and Randy Riesenberger for gathering to spread the Gospel! Also, thanks to Brother John Steilberg, OP for coming by to encourage us.

Please include in your prayers the new St. Louis – North team. Their coordinator Michael Kress [recently had] a kick off meeting …. May the Holy Spirit send them many fishers of men and enflame the hearts of their evangelizers with an unstoppable zeal for souls.

Also coming up on 11/17, the Feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, several parishioners from St. Mary of Victories and myself will be on Covenant Catholic Radio with Elizabeth Westhoff on her 8 am show. Thanks to Elizabeth for featuring this fabulous historic parish, and to Tony and Teresa Holman for their undying support of our efforts.”

Check out this link to a local news story on the team’s work:…/2015-11-04/street-evangelizers. Great work, St. Louis Downtown Team! May God be with you, St. Louis North Team!