Austin, TX. The ordained ministry of the deacon is a great gift which the Lord has given to the Church. In the Acts of the Apostles, the first deacons are created as servant-helpers in the Christian community, allowing the Apostles to focus on the preaching of the gospel. Deacons, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, are conformed, by the Sacrament of Orders, to Christ the Servant.

After a large St. Paul Street Evangelization training recently for the Diocese of Austin deaconate program, the group went out into the streets to share the faith. Most of the evangelists were men in training to become ordained deacons, and that day they had profound experiences of service to their fellow men.

They themselves, also, were served, and received a witness of the power of the deaconate from the mouth from a poor man. It happened like this. Deacon Guadalupe Rodriguez, who was with the group, was offering the people he spoke to a blessing, telling them that he was a deacon with the Catholic Church. Everyone he asked said “yes” to a blessing! One poor man’s voice changed after deacon blessed him. He looked Deacon Guadalupe straight in the eyes and said “Do you know the power you have as a deacon? You have a great responsibility to do God’s work!” It seemed that the man spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Deacon Guadalupe saw this as an admonishment by the Lord himself to be about the work of evangelization.

Praised be Jesus Christ, who came among us as one who serves! All Christians are called to serve others in imitation of Jesus. Street evangelization is a great way to serve people in your town or city. Will you join our efforts?