Phoenix, AZ. The Phoenix Northwest St Paul Street Evangelization team has discovered a few easy, inexpensive, and effective ways to reach non-Catholics with sacramentals. In the picture here, we see Sharon speaking with a father and son.
The team often offers a Saint Michael medal to non-Catholics. Most people seem intrigued when hearing that Saint Michael is the patron saint of police, soldiers and firefighters and that his intercession can offer protection from the wickedness of the Devil.
On this outing, a library security guard with police powers tried to buzz by the table. An evangelist approached him, and explained she had a blessed Saint Michael medal for him. He went from looking wary, to accepting the medal and thanking her.
This medal was on an inexpensive cord purchased at a big box store. Many craft stores sell low-cost cordage that can be used to make the medals immediately wearable.
Some Christians would never accept a rosary, but nearly all are open to “The Cross of Christ” holy card sold on the SPSE website store. The card highlights what Christians have in common, a belief in salvation through Jesus. The Phoenix Northwest team is a big fan of this sacramental.
Blessed be God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Sacramentals are great because they remind us of the things of heaven in the midst of the distractions of daily life. Could you share your faith with sacramentals, encouragement, prayer, conversation? Join us!