Berkeley, CA. With the world the way it is, it can be tempting to think that the average person has no interest in becoming a Christian, entering the Church, and living a new life in Christ. It is tempting to see all the opposition to the faith and conclude that it is hopeless to share it with others. Our work in street evangelization shows us, if we did not already know it, that these temptations are grounded in fear, and are baseless. In truth, “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Rom 5:20); in reality, God is in charge. He never stops drawing men and women to Himself; He never stops wooing them, so to speak, with His grace. God moves the hearts of people by His own work within them, unnoticed by human beings, and when the time is ready, he opens a door for them. And our teams, very often, become such “doors” of divine providence.

During one of their recent outings, for example, the Berkeley, California team encountered lots of people with interest in the faith. But one man was clearly well prepared beforehand. He approached them asking where he could find the local Catholic parishes, and expressed interest in the faith. An evangelist led him to their table where they had a diocesan directory with all the information he needed. But he pressed further: “What does it take to become Catholic?” Evangelist Dave answered by getting straight to the point. “Baptism,” he said, and he continued to talk to the man, answering whatever questions he had.

Praised be Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! In God’s mysterious plan, his Son Jesus draws all men to himself, and those whom, because of their faith, are chosen, are given eternal life. Please join us – you may have a special part in God’s plan for someone you will meet on the street through our evangelization apostolate. Don’t wait – join or start a team today!