Sierra Vista, AZ. Recently, the Sierra Vista SPSE team went to the “Christian Comm-Unity Ministry Fair” and set up their own Catholic information table in the midst of many other Christian tables of various denominations. The team was a last minute entry, and set up alongside the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Evangelist Ed got to speak to many people – including about five fallen away Catholics, whom he gave pamphlets about coming home to the Church. Young children also came by wanting Rosaries. Says Ed: “It was a great day.”Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you Ed, and thank you Sierra Vista, AZ team! There are many events like the ‘Christian Comm-Unity Ministry Fair’ all over the country, and perhaps soon in your own town. These events are great venues for Catholic outreach! Why not join or start a team in your area, and take advantage of these opportunities? And please, pray for us!