Springfield, MO. A new team has recently checked in with the SPSE national office! The new Springfield, Missouri team sent us an update after having its first outing doing evangelization outreach at the Midwest March for Life. They handed out rosaries, promoted the SPSE apostolate, and talked with many people about the Catholic faith, in a crowd that was probably 50/50 Catholic and Protestant. Mark, the team leader, tells us that they look forward, a great deal, to future outings.
If you live in the Springfield, Missouri area, please consider getting involved! (See https://streetevangelization.com/springfieldmo/) Each and every Catholic has the obligation to share the Good News with others. Saint Paul Street Evangelization is dedicated to helping you fulfil this calling. Join us!
Are you in need of any more Rosaries? My 14 year old daughter has made approx 20 Rosaries of different colors with plastic and faceted beads. Please let me know where I can mail them too. Thanks! God bless you!
Mrs. Paula Madigan