Plymouth, MI. Here is a report from our Plymouth team, who set up during a special event at their parish, Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Beautiful day for evangelizing…. The consistent presence of our team (Bob, Kristen, and Maisa) was a powerful witness to the faith for others! They were providing Catholics of the parish with the tools necessary to share the faith. Many were eager to have medals and rosaries. Bob talked to some of the kids at the picnic about Jesus and how to share Him with others!
We had one lady named Diane who came up to ask us what we do, and after telling her, she revealed that she was a Catholic but had left the Catholic faith to be a part of the Assembly of God church. She told the team that she did a lot of evangelizing in her church, and said that she was surprised to see Catholics doing the same thing! Maisa told her, “Of course we Catholics evangelize – that is our mission as baptized Catholics!” Then she asked her why she left the Catholic Church. Diane told her it was because she found fellowship and activities at the Assembly of God church. Maisa said, “Well we have everything that the AOG has and more!!! Can I give you one good reason to come back to the Church? … the Eucharist!”
The two of them continued to talk. Maisa said, “Jesus wants you back and he wants to be one with you through the reception his Body and Blood!” Diane said, “We have communion at our church, but I know from my childhood through catechism that the church teaches that Holy Communion is actually Jesus….” So Maisa asked her “What are you waiting for?” She said “I am not sure. What I need to do to come back?” So she handed her a confession pamphlet and invited her to come to confession so she could partake of the Eucharist next Sunday! Diane was surprised, and said “That is all I have to do?” “Yes!!” Maisa answered. So she took some pamphlets and jotted down Maisa’s number to keep in contact with her. Then Maisa introduced Diane to the Pastor of the church, Fr. John, and Diane left that day wanting to come back home to the Church. What a blessed day!!
WOW! Awesome, Praise Gid!