Uniontown, PA. To be an official team on an official outing of Saint Paul Street Evangelization, one of the requirements is that you need at least two evangelists. But sometimes you have to start small. Molli is one of our new friends here at SPSE. She doesn’t yet have other committed evangelists to help her, but the call to bear witness to the Way of Jesus Christ was too strong for her to wait. As it turned out, by God’s providence she was given a bit of help on her first (unofficial) outing. She sent us a short account of what happened:

“Here I am, for the moment a team of one, beginning evangelization efforts at the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in Uniontown PA. Within minutes of setting up I began to attract the attention of shoppers, most of whom are regulars like Travis Jones (he wanted his full name used). Travis has a colorful story, including a former life as a country western singer who traveled the country with stars like Waylon Jennings. Things got off track and these days, Travis gives his testimony to all who will listen – in the form of Gospel performances. We shared some information about the Catholic Church and he took some pamphlets and medals. We prayed with folks and gave out flyers and CDs too! Pray for our success!”

Praised be Jesus Christ! And thank you, Molli! We’re praying for your success!
Notice Molli’s zeal for the Good News? Imitate Molli and start or join a team of your own – and if you’re not able to do either right away, don’t let it stop you from evangelizing!