Marietta, GA. A blessed Saturday morning was spent sharing the “full Gospel” with the good people of Marietta, along with Clarence, who is an SPSE leader in the Atlanta area.

We had many meaningful encounters with the people we met. Especially significant to us were the ones who sincerely asked us for prayer. Among them were Mary, who is addicted to heroin, Ed, who is in a nursing home and nearing the end of his life, and another Mary, who has been away from the Church but would like to return to Mass.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Sometimes what people need most is simply someone to listen to them. Despite how connected our world seems to be today, there are many lonely people who feel isolated and even abandoned by God. Seeing that a complete stranger cares enough to pray for them can help them feel less alone in the world. Let’s pray that a chance meeting with SPSE in Marietta will lead many to a real relationship with Jesus. Then they will never feel alone again.