Pensacola, FL. On the one hand, when street evangelizing, it is important to be bold. If you don’t speak the truth clearly, how can others ever come to know the truth and believe? On the other hand, while speaking clearly it is also important to not make your presence known forcefully, lest you “break a bruised reed or quench a smoldering wick” (Mt 12:20). This combination of courage with casual conversation is something that our Saint Paul Street Evangelization teams strive for, and it inspired evangelist Zac to get involved. Reading our online materials, he felt “a profound ‘click’” with our mission. Here are excerpts from a report we received from Zac after his first outing:
“Today was my first day evangelizing with St. Paul Street Evangelization. … Finally, finally, I was going to be able to hit the streets and tell everyone about the great passion of my life. I was going to be able to talk to anyone willing to listen about Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church.”
“One of the most memorable encounters of the day was with two young men and one young woman who were visiting Pensacola. I began by talking with them about an exciting concert series coming up at St. Paul which led to a fun discussion about our favorite music. I asked them what church they went to at home, and, to my surprise, they informed me that they were Mormons! My heart jumped in my chest. I have a special spot in my heart for Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses…. I began by explaining to them how much I admire the Mormon Church for at least making the claim to be the one, true Church founded by Christ; many [churches] do not even try to make this claim, thus disqualifying them from being so from the start. I then asked them when their church was founded. One of them answered, “I believe 1830 something,” making it around 180 years old. I then informed them that the Catholic Church is 2,000 years old, and watched their eyebrows rise in fascinated surprise. After handing them a SPSE pamphlet giving them more information … I gathered them into a big four-person hug and began praying over them. I asked the Holy Spirit to guide us into His Truth, to help us to ask questions and to be open to His will in our lives. I asked for their safe travels back home and asked for a blessing over our newfound friendship. I didn’t have a plan to pray over them, the Spirit literally made it happen. Please say a prayer for my young new friends; they were incredibly friendly and very open to the Truth!”
Thanks for getting involved, Zac, and for sharing your enthusiasm for Our Lord and the Faith!