The fruits of our Immersion conference are continuing to roll in. Here’s another story of conversion:
“One of our evangelists, Charlotte, was approached by a non-denominational Protestant who knew his bible very well. He was not angry or upset that Catholics were out evangelizing, he was happy to see us. Charlotte discussed Catholicism with him, and found that, because he was a devout Bible reader, he was familiar with the biblical basis for practices like confession, liturgy, and other Catholic rituals. He understood that our Church’s forms of worship have roots going all the way back to the Old and New Testament, and even why we do things like Confession and the Mass. After his conversation with Charlotte, he told her that he was going to go to a Catholic Church one of these days. It was awesome to see the impact that friendly evangelization can have on someone who is already interested in what the Bible teaches!”
When we move from being passive to being active missionaries we get to experience the joy that accompanies fruits like these. One of our participants, who happens to be a priest, noted that this was the best retreat he had been on since his ordination. Praise God!
But it takes hard work! Not only do we have to persevere when the people we evangelize reject the Gospel, we have to persevere through the prayer and preparation it takes to go out and evangelize. The St. Paul Evangelization Institute provides both basic evangelization training and team leader training. Join us today!
Sometimes people are only waiting for an invitation to “come and see” the Catholic church!