Rochester, Michigan. Sometimes as Catholics we recall past miracles we’ve heard about (or maybe even witnessed), but think “Well, that was then. That doesn’t still happen today.” Today’s story helps us remember God hasn’t stopped showing us his merciful love. He performs wonderful miracles for His children every day. We all need a little reminder of that from time to time. As the Psalmist states in Psalm 136, “His Mercy endures forever”.

The following report comes from evangelist Deb in Rochester, Michigan:

We prayed for a man named John last fall. John had oral cancer and my team and I asked for the intercession of St. Peregrine. We also gave John a Miraculous Medal along with the card that explained it. Truthfully, I’ve only come out to support our Rochester SPSE a handful of times (not a regular, but am prayerfully trying).

Today we were all overwhelmed with joy when John came by to thank me and our team and share his good news of being cancer-free! After our encounter, John wore the medal and continued to pray and attributes it to his healing. We all praise God because God does miracles today. We also explained to John that the reason for healing is to build up faith in the body of Christ. John took on that responsibility to praise God and to witness to God‘s love through his healing. In fact, John will soon be on a local TV show to talk about Oral Cancer awareness, his healing and the Miraculous Medal he was given. John said he’ll definitely give a ‘shout out’ to the Rochester SPSE team that sets up at Rotary Gateway Park in downtown Rochester.

Praised be Jesus Christ! As Deb so beautifully stated, “it’s not about her, but about the glorious, merciful gift of God’s healing.” Amen!