Brownstown Township, MI. We never know what awaits us with each new day. So it’s critical to call on Our Lady for our own protection, and make known to others her love, power and protection through the Miraculous Medal. As St. Bonaventure said, “Men do not fear a powerful hostile army as the powers of hell fear the name and protection of Mary.” She will protect us from spiritual dangers as well as physical ones, as we’ll see in today’s story.
The following report comes from evangelist John with our Society of Evangelists:
I just wanted to share a story that we received from a woman named Brittany. I had given her a Miraculous Medal, and it seems that Our Lady protected her from serious harm: “A couple days ago I got in a pretty bad car accident. I was the only one in the car and got t-boned right on the driver side by a truck probably going 40 mph. God was looking out for me, I walked away with just my left side feeling sore. Everyone said it was a miracle even the man at the collision shop was shocked that I didn’t have more serious injuries. My car was totaled.
The reason I wanted to share with you is because I had the Miraculous Medal you gave me in my purse which is always hanging on my left side. I firmly believe that God had a plan and put it in your heart to give that to me for this very reason. I am so thankful and the medal is now hanging around my neck! I attached a picture of my car too just to give you the full effect!”
Praised be Jesus Christ! God’s providence keeps us safe in countless situations, often times we don’t even realize it. Let us constantly thank Him for His steadfast love and protection from dangers that could ruin us physically or even worse, spiritually.