Owatonna, MN. The Steele County Free Fair is Minnesota’s Largest County Fair. Often people attend these festivals as a tradition, or to relax and get their minds off of the stress of daily life. And while games, amusement rides, and carnival food can provide some wholesome and temporary fun, this is the perfect place to share Jesus with others. As evangelists, we want others to know the source of true peace! “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)


The following report comes from evangelist Deb in Minnesota:

The Steele County Free Fair booth was very fruitful. My priest came out and worked a shift and people were very happy to talk with him and get a blessing. I have about a dozen follow ups to do for people that want to take another step towards entry or re-entry into the Catholic church and will be setting up time next week to meet with them. We talked to thousands over the course of the week and had lots of fruitful conversations, healing prayers, witness to other Catholics and Christians, and the gift of listening and befriending to so many.

One little guy, about 8 years old, came into the booth on the last day and was very excited about talking with us (his grandma was with him). We had a long conversation and then he told us that his mom had left him when he was a baby. He saw our Prayer Station sign and said “I know- I will pray for a new mom”. One of our evangelists, Pete, who had been talking to Callen, had a long conversation with him about God’s love, his mom, and praying for her. It was truly beautiful and Callen left with a big smile on his face.

Praised be Jesus Christ! While there’s certainly nothing wrong with some good, clean fun at a county fair, it’s always a joy to bring the Prince of Peace to the world.