Chicago, IL. God has a reason for everything He does. So why does He desire healings while we are out evangelizing? Isn’t evangelization just about spreading the truth? As the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith teaches, “Healings are signs of (Christ’s) messianic mission (cf. Lk 7:20-23). They manifest the victory of the kingdom of God over every kind of evil, and become the symbol of the restoration to health of the whole human person, body andsoul. They serve to demonstrate that Jesus has the power to forgive sins (cf. Mk 2:1-2); they are signs of salvific goods, as is the healing of the paralytic at Bethesda (cf. Jn 5:2-9, 19-21) and the man born blind (cf. Jn 9).” – CDF, Instruction on Prayers for Healing, 2001, 9.
The following report comes from evangelist Mark with the Chicago North Shore Chapter:
Brothers and sisters in Christ: What a great day! Warm, 74 degrees, no humidity to speak of, breeze off the lake and thousands of people. Most of them exercising by running, jogging or riding bikes. As they whizzed by us, we were joined by the producer of the Catholic documentary “Fearless”. All in all, we gave out about 40 rosaries in 2.5 hours.
Today we inspired a brand new RCIA candidate into the Catholic faith! We also had huge breakthroughs with many non-Catholics and we prayed over many others. Two individuals experienced the release of deep anxiety regarding family and work issues. Another person had a severe headache of an 8 (on a scale of 1-10), felt nauseous and had to sit down but we prayed over her and within a few minutes completely healed! THANK YOU JESUS! What a pleasure to serve our Lord by ministering to the broken, lost, and the ill-informed.
Praised be Jesus Christ! When the apostles originally spread the Gospel, what came with it was signs and wonders that visibly showed God’s love and convinced people that Jesus is really alive. Today, Our Lord is doing the same thing! Let us pray that we can persevere in doing His work.