Boise, ID. Joy. Back in the time of Our Lord, when Romans and Greeks would visit a temple with offerings in exchange for healing, Jesus and his followers would walk around healing without charge if they met a sick person. While those who are sick today seek healing from doctors (which is a gift from God), SPSE evangelists try to offer a superior healing. It’s the same healing that our Lord and His disciples offered two thousand years ago, whether it’s a miraculous physical healing, a word of truth spoken at the right time, a listening ear, or perhaps an emotional or spiritual healing.


The following report comes to us from evangelist Lucy and our Boise, ID team:

Two evangelists made it for today’s outing, so we set up just south of a national health insurance company who had fenced off the entire center of the business park for their conference. And, thanks to the barrier, everyone was funneled right past our table! We received appreciative glances from several of the conference workers, one even expressing his gratitude out loud for our presence. “Kathleen” stopped to visit for a moment. She had traveled to the conference from a large city. She was inactive in her Catholic Faith, since her husband was not Catholic and they married in his non-Catholic Christian church. Although strongly urged to by her husband and the minister, she refuses to join that denomination. I encouraged her to find a Catholic parish at home, and get the paperwork started to get her marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church. Please pray for Kathleen.

Two women who received a Rosary from us a couple of weeks ago (they seemed to struggle with certain sinful tendencies) stopped by again to thank us for that “life-changing” rosary. They gave no further details. Please continue to pray for them.

Two other women stopped and visited with evangelist Mike. One of them has a brother in the politically troubled area of an overseas country, where Catholics are persecuted and deadly violence has become frequent. She said that, “in that country, people could tell you were Catholic by where you live or what clothes you wear.” “Here,” she said, “they can’t tell and don’t really care.”

Praised be Jesus Christ! When it comes to health, we need to remind those we’re evangelizing that doctors are important, but it is God who ultimately restores us to health. Sirach 38 teaches: “Make friends with the doctor, for he is essential to you; God has also established him in his profession. From God the doctor has wisdom….” However, it goes on to say “…pray to God, for it is he who heals.” Amen.