“The Happiest People Go To Church”
Nov 19, 2019
Sierra Vista, AZ. A Pew Research Center report released back in February found that “religious attendance…was consistently linked to higher levels of happiness than for those around the world who claim no faith.” And honestly, who doesn’t want to be happier?! The use of simple facts like this, as our evangelist did in today’s story, can help convince people to return to the Catholic faith.
The following report comes to us from evangelist Ed and our Sierra Vista, AZ team:
Click here to read more stories from our Sierra Vista, AZ team
I know most of us go out into the streets to evangelize. However, when there is not a lot of walking traffic in your city, you have to evangelize where you can. I work at a place where there are many desks side by side. I had a young lady sit next to me one day and I asked her if she had a church she attends. She said she was from the Philippines and was Catholic. I asked her if she had gone to St. Andrew yet (a nearby church). She said no, that her husband was in the military and worked on post (we have an Army base in our city). I told her that the happiest people who lived the longest had one thing in common around the world. They all went to church weekly. I gave her my card and emailed her about the mercy of God. This past Sunday, she showed up and said she was going to go to Confession. First time in around 11 years. She and her husband went to Confession!!!
Praised be Jesus Christ! You never know when an opportunity will arrive to help someone get right with God.