Boise, ID. The Rosary leads people to contemplate on the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why saints like St. Francis de Sales, Padre Pio, St. Josemaria Escriva say it’s one of the most powerful prayers out there. And it’s also why SPSE, and the team in today’s story, use it as one of the main tools of evangelization.
The following report comes to us from evangelist Lucy and our SPSE team in Boise, ID:
On Sunday, two evangelists (myself included) went out to evangelize.We talked with a decent amount of people. One of which was a transgender person, who stopped not knowing what the Rosary was, but knowing about Jesus. When the Rosary was explained, our visitor asked if it was idolatry to use the Rosary. Evangelist Lucy explained we don’t pray to the beads, and that everything we believe about Mary leads us closer to Jesus Christ. Our visitor accepted this explanation, as well as a rosary and its pamphlet.
About halfway through our outing, 5-6 members of a women’s college basketball team came by. One of them expressed interest in a rosary, but hurried away when the group didn’t stop. They said they’d stop on their way back. Toward the end of the session, they did come back, now numbering about a dozen. Only the one woman who had shown interest stopped for a rosary. A non-Catholic Christian, she was happy to receive a tool to help her grow closer to Jesus.
An out-of-town couple with a baby stopped. They were Catholic and talked about their parish. The wife said that her mother always insisted she have a Rosary with her. Evangelist Chuck told her it was her turn to teach her baby the Faith. Both man and wife took a Rosary. Also, it must be noted that several young non-Christians stopped and accepted a rosary, pamphlet, and the kerygma card too.
Praised be Jesus Christ!