The Good News and the praise of Our Lord cannot be contained. It has to be let out somehow, like water looking for a path to flow. As Jesus entered Jerusalem to undergo his Passion, He told the Pharisees in response to their comment to rebuke His disciples who were praising Him, “I tell you if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!” (Luke 19:40) Some of our evangelists, possibly feeling the same deep desire to share the love of Jesus as his followers in the aforementioned scripture, went out on Good Friday armed with crucifixes, signs, and good will.



The following report comes to use from team leader Sean with our team in Tempe, AZ:

On Good Friday evangelists from the Mesa, Phoenix and Tempe Arizona teams went out to offer comfort to a hurting world by witnessing to the Good News about Jesus Christ. Social distancing in response to the pandemic prompted the evangelists to select a new location where there is never much foot traffic but there is much vehicle traffic.

Three evangelists held signs and Crucifixes while another evangelist prayed the Rosary. People driving by honked their horns and gave a thumbs up in support of the message (a few even made the sign of the cross while driving by!). A security guard from a nearby business,  bored with little to do because of the pandemic, stopped by to chat.

All in all it was a great morning working towards building God’s Kingdom!

Praised be Jesus Christ!