San Diego, CA. Today’s story is more of a focus on what team leaders can do to get their teams prepared to hit the streets again. We need to be ready once restrictions are lifted to get out there and evangelize, while still following guidelines put forth by our local government leaders. Stay tuned…our SPSE staff will be sending a letter to team leaders and evangelists soon explaining how we are to evangelize in the “new normal.”
The following report comes to us from team leader Joseph with our East County team in San Diego, CA:
Yesterday, I sent out a message reminding our evangelists that we’re ready to go out and share the gospel once we get the go ahead. We used to evangelize at the Farmers’ Market on Friday nights in La Mesa, but that has been closed for eight weeks now…so we shut down along with it.
Please contact me (Joseph Carton) with any ideas, suggestions, or other places we might evangelize. Visit We’ll be back on the street soon!
Praised be Jesus Christ!