Orlando, FL. Even when we’re running late to do something for the Lord, He is outside of time and knows just what needs to happen to turn our “yes” into something good.
Click here to read more stories from Christina Hiromoto
The following report comes to us from regional missionary Christina in Orlando, FL:
I decided to change things up and visit the local park on a whim (the Holy Spirit) to see if there were people out walking during business hours that I could evangelize. I ended up being late, and felt pretty guilty about it, but I carried on because there were quite a lot of people at the park.
I didn’t have to walk far when I came across a woman sitting and drawing in a sketchpad. I casually asked her about her work, and eventually I started sharing with her about also being a fellow creative musician. We discussed college years and I mentioned that God had really directed me to let go of everything and pursue music. This led her to sharing that she in fact was raised Catholic but now attends a non-denominational church. I went to exchange contact info, when I realized I lost my phone! Instead of giving into the spiritual battle, I just gave her my card and asked if I could follow up with her. She was the only person I was able to talk with that day, since I needed to go on a hunt for my phone.
God did not let these obstacles stop the fruit of that one encounter, and I followed-up with her a few days later for coffee. We shared our testimonies, and I know that having the ability to share my testimony with just that one person can open her to coming back to the Faith. Pray for Darlene, she is open to further conversations about the Faith!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Praying for you and Darlene that the Holy Spirit can lead her to the Truth that God intends.
Loved your story! I like adventures like that. Praise God. Makes evangelizing sound so easy.
Praying for you and Darleen. It was good that you found something that you had in common to help get the conversation going. Hope you found your phone!
That’s great how you were able to follow up with Darleen. So true that sharing how God has worked in our life (aka our testimony) opens up conversations of conversion.