Austin, TX. To prepare their diaconate candidates, Deacon Guadalupe asked St. Paul Evangelization to come to Austin and train them how to evangelize. We had about 30 men and their wives show up. After Adam trained them on the basics, we hit the streets for an hour to share the good news. Today is the third part in the series of stories from that experience.
Click here to learn more about our Basic Evangelization Training
The following report comes to us from two students of our recent evangelization training in Austin, TX:
Our first student reported the following: We experienced a lot of people. We were on the corner of 6th and Congress. It was a blessing to pray for people. Some we prayed individually, some collectively. We could see a couple of people who were emotionally involved with what we were saying. One person came up and said that his mom had 15 heart attacks in a row, and now had Alzheimers. He asked us to pray for her. The next guy that came up said “God bless you guys for being here. There’s a lot of drugs right here…right on this corner. And because you’re here today, the drugs aren’t.”
Our second student shared this powerful story with us: Must’ve been in a good spot. Prayed over 15-20 people. The biggest blessing was a young woman who just moved here from Phoenix with her boyfriend and her mom. They were homeless and under the influence of some kind of drugs. She was pregnant, so we prayed for her twins. She said she had lost the last baby which was stillborn. She was Catholic but hadn’t been to church in a long long time. They came by later and we gave them the address for the JPII Life Center and they promised to get help. Hopefully she’ll get some prenatal care. Huge blessings. I don’t know who got more blessings…us or the people we prayed over!
Praised be Jesus Christ!