Buffalo, NY
Click here to read more stories from our team in Buffalo, NY
The following report comes to us from evangelist Paul with our team in Buffalo, NY:
The Buffalo team was able to go out twice last semester. The first time Edna (one of our amazing team members) and I had to take an Uber over to the part carrying the SPSE sign. That was quite a conversation starter! It was the day after the election and our Uber driver was a big Trump supporter. We simply shared our ultimate trust in God, and spent most of our time listening to his frustrations, ultimately leaving on good terms. When we got there we met Jenny, our team leader, and had two beautiful encounters. One where my wife Caroline (who had driven in from work) and Jenny were able to pray over two women. A little while later they brought a huge smile to a young girl’s face, I forget exactly how, because Edna and I were walking around the park.
The second time we went out without Jenny (we were all a little nervous about that). It was a Monday and the first very cold week so the previously crowded park was empty. We prayed the rosary and chaplet and waved at cars passing by. Finally, as we were praying the Rosary, two older women pulled in to talk to us. They ran a Protestant charity serving Buffalo’s very old and young. We encouraged each other in each of our works. I wanted to ask if I could pray with them, or if they could pray for us, but I lost my nerve. I’m still very grateful for the encounter.
I would really appreciate it if you guys could pray for us. We’ve had some challenges staying organized (we’re college students with little external leadership).
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Just want to say I am so proud of you young people for your courage and willingness to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in Buffalo. He will bless you richly and ETERNALLY for your efforts! And never be at a loss for the fortitude to ask for prayer…would you be offended if someone asked you to pray with them? Didn’t think so. Be bold, be Catholic!