Cincinnati, OH. Sometimes we don’t get the response we expect when evangelizing or praying over someone. Today’s story shows us just that, although the man’s comment was said with a smile which makes it all good.
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The following report comes to us from virtual school student Donald in Cincinnati, OH:
I was part of a team of two Vincentians who went out to give a neighbor a voucher for household goods and clothing to take to a local St. Vincent DePaul Store. “Mr. Smith” came down using crutches. He said he will be having a total hip replacement sometime in March and was not looking forward to the surgery. I asked him if he would like to be prayed over. He said yes.
I took the lead and prayed for healing and for the doctors and medical professions. I also gave him my usual items of a SPSE Gospel Holy Card, Sacred Heart Holy Card, a Catholic Devotional prayer book and a basic pocket Catechism about the Church. When I finished he had a big grin on his face and said “What are you looking at?” He still used his crutches when we left, but we hope the prayer lifted his spirits.
Praised be Jesus Christ!