South Florida
Click here to read more stories from our National SPSE team in Warren, MI
The following report comes to us from evangelist Beth with our National SPSE team in Warren, MI:
After evangelizing I stopped off for lunch on my walk home. I left my mobile evangelization station (wagon) by the tables outside as I went in to order a sandwich. When I returned one of the local students was there looking through the many rosaries that were sparkling in the sunshine. This started a conversation. It turns out that there had been a tragedy in her family and as a result her faith was badly shaken. She was not attending Mass as she once had. The rosary was common ground. She accepted one and we prayed together.
What’s interesting is that there was nothing special that I did to reach this young woman. She simply saw the rosaries and was drawn to them. That’s often how it is when we go out on the street. God orchestrates the encounters he has planned for us. It’s not our work, It definitely is God’s work in us.
Is God asking you to step out in faith and share the Good News with someone. Are you willing to help someone who may be a bit lost? Prayerfully ask God. Just think, your small yes can make a big difference. A simple two minute conversation can change the world!
Praised be Jesus Christ!