Tombstone, AZ.
Click here to read more stories from our team in Sierra Vista, AZ
The following report comes to us from team leader Ed with our team in Sierra Vista, AZ:
On Saturday, May 1, after being consecrated to St. Joseph, and after Mass celebration we drove down to Tombstone to evangelize. We set up in front of the Tombstone Visitor Center and had our Rosaries, Medals, Pamphlets ready. Many people took our Rosary and our Medals and we got to speak to many fallen-away Catholics. One lady was so happy to see us, she wanted to take almost all of our pamphlets and a few Rosaries and all the Medals – Miraculous and St. Michael.
A mother and daughter spoke to us and the mother was a practicing Catholic and her daughter wasn’t. Ed told the daughter St. Augustine’s quote: “We came from you O Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Ed told her that everything in life – money, jobs, cars, homes, clothes, people – nothing will make you permanently happy until you get a relationship with God. They last a short time but they all go away.
Robert spoke with a young gentleman and got in a deep discussion with him and was giving him brochures and medals and telling him about the joy of Catholicism. We prayed over a young lady and asked the Lord to heal her daughter and we also spoke to two young ladies, whose husbands were deployed in the military. They were both from Sierra Vista so Ed gave him his card and asked them to listen to the MP3s on the back of the card to learn about our Faith. They were very excited about listening to it. And we spoke to a middle aged lady who loved what we gave her so much, she asked if she could hug each of us!
Praised be Jesus Christ! We handed out approximately 125 rosaries, about 100 pamphlets and about 150 Medals. Overall a very fruitful day.