Click here to purchase the book, Catholic Street Evangelization
This report is based on emails sent between Sr. Claire, a contemplative Benedictine nun in Isle of Wight, England, and Steve Dawson, our president and founder:
Earlier in the month, an email was sent to Steve letting him know that his book inspired Sr. Claire, OSB, to compose a tri-fold leaflet. She said, “It was inspired by Catholic Street Evangelization. Two A4 leaflets, printed on both sides, and each folded into three. They are intentionally very simple.” Steve expressed his appreciation and Sr. Claire replied, “I’m trying to use personal contacts to make them more widely available. Our bishop has put them on our diocesan website and drawn attention to them in his e-news. The chaplain of the local prison is having them printed for the Catholic prisoners. Other monasteries have shown interest in them, for their visitors, as have some priests. I hope to try the local school. I try to draw attention to your book, and our bishop read it as a result.”
What a blessing that God worked through our book to motivate a nun to start evangelizing!
Praised be Jesus Christ!