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The following report comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID:
A Catholic woman stopped who hadn’t yet found a local parish, and told me that she “practices from home.” She accepted a Rosary and the encouragement to pray it. She also accepted a map and directions to a parish near her and the invitation to get reconnected.
Frequent passerby and now occasional visitor “Uwe” stopped. “John-the-parking-lot-attendant”, who was hanging around as usual, monopolized the conversation and talked a long time about his recovery-group. I tried to clarify the Catholic teaching on various subjects. “Uwe” had a problem with the Dogma of Hell booklets we had on the table and accused us of trying to control people through fear. The conversation veered in other directions before I could address the issue. Please pray that God grants me the backbone and sense of authority to steer the conversations in the direction the Lord wills. And may the Lord continue to draw Uwe and John all the way into His Catholic Church!
A group of 3 young adult men stopped. They seemed to be only nominally Catholic, one of them vaguely remembering his First Communion but then immediately confusing it with Baptism. They each chose a Rosary and received the encouragement to actually sit down and pray it.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Please pray for God to send people to this team with hearts prepared to perceive their need for Our Savior Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church, and that much good fruit for His Kingdom comes from their efforts. Also, thanks be to God for answering prayers, as John’s coworker Myron, who has COVID and is in the hospital, has shown good improvements!