Click here to read more stories from our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN
The following report comes to us from team leader Sharon with our St. Raphael parish team in Crystal, MN:
We set up our SPSE table at the “Road to Bethlehem” Christmas event, where our school’s students sang Christmas Carols, and several other tables were set up with Christmas gift ideas. It was our biggest giveaway day, as dozens of Miraculous Medals, Rosaries, and prayer cards were distributed. One of our guests was a visiting priest from California, who is a chaplain at a hospital, who we know will put to good use all that he took.
There was not much evangelizing going on across different faiths, however, our efforts were useful with several conversations with Catholics, discussing and strengthening each other about which conversational skills that will serve to be most effective when speaking with others about the difficult subjects of our day. The “life issue” is very much in the news lately, as we pray the recent justices appointed to the Supreme court will tip the scales and put our country on track to reverse much of the damage done from Roe vs. Wade. A common thread from all conversations is that humility must be prominent in trying to win the hearts of anyone we speak with, somehow combined with the tragic facts of abortion, such as 63 million babies lives have been terminated. St. Joseph, one of the humblest of all saints, pray for us!
Praised be Jesus Christ!