
In This Issue

1. Featured: Make Sure to Save the Date for Immersion in Your New 2022 Calendar!
2. Story from the Street: Bags of Blessings
3. Story from the Street: Evangelizing Faith Formation

It’s that time of year to start filling out the calendar and making plans for the year ahead! Don’t forget to mark down Immersion 2022 for your summer plans. We hope you’ll join us for an experience like no other this upcoming July.

Immersion will take place from July 7-July 9, 2022 at Saint Mary Catholic Church in Royal Oak.

Come join us for thorough trainings, captivating keynote speakers, an opportunity for fulfilling evangelization, and so much more. Stay tuned for more details. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Bags of Blessings

Detroit, MI. Last Thursday several of us went down to St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen for a wonderful Christmas event with the guests. It took us about a half-hour to unload our van to bring them a little Christmas joy and, as it turned out, we received just as much JOY from the guests! This was, indeed, a joint effort. Our 7th and 8th grade religious education students put together several hundred “Blessing Bags” filled with toiletries, things to eat and other personal items. They donated the amount we needed (80) to the SPSE cause at St. Leo’s. The parishioners at St. Therese of Lisieux supplied us with many gift card donations from the Giving Tree at our church for me to purchase hats, scarves, gloves and socks for each of the men, women and children who attended. A gift card to a restaurant for each was also added. My grandchildren helped me to organize and ready everything to be loaded on the van. This was a true “Team Event”!


Evangelizing Faith Formation

Crystal, MN. On the Second Sunday of Advent, I gave out Rosaries, Rosary guides and Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer cards to students who are going to be receiving their First Communion. I explained to some of the kids and the teacher that the plan was to pray the rosary and Chaplet once a week and then in Lent increase the praying to twice a week. The students and teacher were all happy to receive the sacramentals.


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