Sierra Vista, AZ.

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This report comes to us from team leader Ed with our team in Sierra Vista, AZ:

We did a Public Rosary at Noon on Saturday, Feb. 19, and then went to Carl’s Jr. This is a place we never go to. But Robert and I went there because our friend Terry gave us a coupon for 2 for 1. We got our food and at the next table was a man making balloon animals and all kinds of things. He was really good at it.

We got in a conversation with him and I asked him what church he goes to. He said he was raised in Montana in an orphanage run by Nuns. I asked him if he was baptized Catholic and had his First Communion and Confirmation. He said yes. But he had not been to Mass in over 50 years. I told him all he needed was a good Confession to get back into the Grace of God and in his Family again. He smiled and said that sounds like a great idea!

Tomorrow, Sunday, he is going to go to Confession for the first time in 50 years. Our parish has confession before every Mass 7 days a week. Thank God for this God moment where he sent us there to help get Ted back to Church.

Praised be Jesus Christ!