From Mennonite to Catholic

From Mennonite to Catholic

Clarence explains his journey from Mennonite to Catholic, and how he became a “full-time” evangelist for SPSE! More personal...
Confession is True Liberation

Confession is True Liberation

Mark explains how a friend’s personal testimony inspired him to make a good Confession and become a committed Catholic. More personal...
From Adoration to RCIA

From Adoration to RCIA

Caden tells how he encountered some street evangelists who invited him to attend Adoration, leading to his becoming Catholic. More personal...
Blessed to See the Fruits

Blessed to See the Fruits

Clarence talks about the the conversion of Caden through his street evangelization efforts. More personal...
Freedom from Pornography

Freedom from Pornography

Steve tells how he overcame his addiction to pornography through the grace of Jesus Christ, and began to help others with the same problem. More personal...