“Speaking of Prayer…”

Portland, OR. This picture captures two great conversations. In the background you see Josh speaking to a young man who unexpectedly approached and asked for a rosary. Josh gave him the rosary and explained to him that it was a prayer. “Speaking of prayer,” the man...

Priest on Duty

Detroit, MI. It is always a special treat when the clergy get involved with SPSE. Here Fr. Simon Lobo, a religious priest of the Companions of the Cross, speaks with three protestant women who had many misconceptions about what the Church believes and why she believes...

“Do you know where your dignity as a human person comes from?”

Dearborn, MI. Some of our Detroit area team leaders have been evangelizing together with groups of seminarians from Detroit’s Sacred Heart Major Seminary. They spent time bearing witness to the faith at the student centers of the University of Michigan Dearborn, and...

Fr. Fox on Witness and Love

PRAY, OBEY, GIVE WITNESS, AND PAY Homily, Third Sunday of Easter Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization (www.streetevangelization.com) The Season of Easter is a certainly a time to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. But it is also a time to...

Sharing the Good News, the First Time

Jerusalem, Judah. When you’ve got really good news, you want to share it. That’s just what Mary of Magdala did, after having seen the crucified Jesus of Nazareth risen from the dead – his divinity and messiahship vindicated. Here is how it happened. After the...