Easy Evangelization

About every three weeks, SPSE’s San Francisco team takes the Faith to the streets. Pictured is evangelist Mary Fong giving Rosaries to a woman and child, and evangelist Stephen Bolin standing ready. Two other SPSE evangelists, Robert Seib and Ted Kirk, were also...

Fr. Fox on The Meaning of Sacrifice

HOMILY, Second Sunday of Lent: March 1, 2015 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization (www.streetevangelization.com) The meaning of sacrifice Today’s readings give us the stories of two fathers and two sons. Both fathers love their sons...

A “Million-Dollar” Tool for Evangelization

Catholic Answers’ Patrick Coffin joined the fun when SPSE’s San Diego team went out to do some Catholic street evangelization in Balboa Park recently. In the photo, Patrick is talking with two Iraqi Catholics about the persecution that’s going on there. The men had...

Being Instruments of Providence

SPSE’s National Director, Steve Dawson, joined the San Diego team as they evangelized this week on the Ocean Beach Municipal Pier. According to Steve, in the short time the team was out, they “talked with dozens — if not hundreds — of people and had lots of fun” doing...

Stumbling Blocks to Conversion

Often, behind giant lies are hidden a giant desire to justify one’s sins. This man, who was nearly 7 feet tall, refused to take a Rosary because he said the Catholic Church was a greedy organization that didn’t help anyone. Our evangelist Steve told him that...