“Eyes That See”

“Eyes That See”

Brighton, MIchigan. We all have different gifts in the work of drawing people to Christ and His Church. St. Paul wrote, “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects,...
“Healed In The Name of Jesus”

“Healed In The Name of Jesus”

Flint, MI. “And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness” (Mt 10:1). We often think of healings taking place in biblical times, but not today. We...

Just Another Great Day Evangelizing

From Dorothea in Rehoboth Beach, DE: I had a great day evangelizing at Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk, DE today. Met many people of all ages and different faiths, including a Police officer, who said he always prays the prayer to St. Michael. I gave away 36 rosaries, and...

Evangelizing Young People

This report comes from Richard in Rehoboth Beach, DE. During June Katherine and I handed out 60 rosaries and pamphlets, and we had some memorable encounters. One of them was a Jewish woman with four children. She was originally from Falmouth, MA. She told us that all...

“Going Solo”

This report comes from the SPSE team at Rehoboth Beach, DE. I went evangelizing again today at Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk, and had a great day. Listening to the Holy Spirit in my heart, I decided to “go solo.” I handed out about 18 rosaries and pamphlets on how to pray...

Bible-loving Catholics

This report comes from a team in Park Ridge, IL. Greetings from this past Saturday at Taste of Park Ridge. We gave away well over 400 rosaries, along with plenty of literature. We borrowed a Bible Timeline banner from our parish, St. Paul of the Cross. It shows the...