God and the Tooth Fairy

God and the Tooth Fairy

Bob tells us how he grew up with poor catechesis but then found God after a mid-life crisis. More personal...
God Hears My Prayers

God Hears My Prayers

Bob tells us how he doubted that God heard his prayers until someone confirmed that He does. More personal...
Infinity on our Hearts

Infinity on our Hearts

Eric tells us how he was left disappointed by chasing after the world and how he found fulfillment of his heart’s desires in God. More personal...
From Atheist to Convinced Believer

From Atheist to Convinced Believer

Eric shares important moments and studies that led him to the Catholic faith. More personal...
Motherhood Led Me to the Catholic Church

Motherhood Led Me to the Catholic Church

Christine tells us how, after being raised in a non-religious home, she sought for meaning first through a higher power and then through atheism. She relates how motherhood set her on the path to Catholicism. More personal...
Finding Hope and Grace

Finding Hope and Grace

Cindy tells us about how an invitation to attend daily Mass led her to finding hope and grace in the Catholic Church. More personal...