Pope Francis Calls All Catholics to Evangelize

Crisis Magazine Written by Regis Martin While it is certainly true that all roads lead to Rome, there is something to be said for all those other roads leading out from Rome.  In other words, before we set out on the road to Rome, shouldn’t there be something...

Pope: ‘If we annoy people, blessed be the Lord’

Vatican City, May 16, 2013 / 10:40 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Pope told Christians it is better to be “annoying” and “a nuisance” than lukewarm in proclaiming Jesus Christ. “If we annoy people, blessed be the Lord,” said Pope Francis during his morning Mass at the...

Church needs believers with zeal, not couch-potato Catholics, pope says

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The church doesn’t need couch-potato Catholics, it needs believers with “apostolic zeal,” willing to preach the uncomfortable words of Christ, Pope Francis said. “And if we annoy...

Pope says evangelists build bridges, not walls

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Like Jesus, who dined with Pharisees and sinners, and St. Paul, who preached to idol worshippers, true evangelizers build bridges that lead unbelievers into the church, not walls to protect it, Pope...

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St. Paul Street Evangelization will be sending out a monthly newsletter for our followers with exciting updates, stories and interviews from the street, articles from professional Catholic apologists, and more.  To sign up for our newsletter, and to receive an email...

The First American Pope and the New Evangelization

The National Review George Weigel A pope for the New Evangelization. The election of Pope Francis completes the Church’s turn from the Counter-Reformation Catholicism that brought the Gospel to America — and eventually produced Catholicism’s first American pope — to...