A Missional Pope?

Faith and the Common Good By Greg Metzger I believe that where Pope Benedict grew attention from theologians in the Christian world, the new pope will be an object of admiration and analysis for those involved in the missional action of the Church. What a cursory...

The Rise of Evangelical Catholicism

George Weigel Catholic Exchange FEBRUARY 19, 2013 For more than 30 years it’s been my privilege to explore the Catholic Church in all its extraordinary variety and diversity. I’ve traveled from inner-city parishes to the corridors of the Vatican; from the barrios of...

How to Defend the Faith Without Raising Your Voice

Eddie O’Neill National Catholic Register Feb. 9th, 2013 If you are known as a well-informed Catholic whose faith goes beyond an hour on Sunday, it’s bound to happen. It could be at the company picnic or some family gathering. Inevitably, you will be asked to...

A Biblical Principle of Evangelization

Ever notice how, in the Bible, whenever the Lord’s servants are about to go out and conquer the world for Him, they first have a time of desert preparation? I am convinced that it is a biblical principle of evangelization – really, of all discipleship...