The Birthday Sash

Las Vegas, NV. It’s not often you see someone wearing a birthday sash. Sally yelled out "Happy Birthday!" to a lady wearing a birthday sash. This got her attention, and so Sally explained to her and her friend the rosary, the Church and its history, the Magisterium,...


Gaithersburg, MD. Joanne, the founder and team leader of our Gaithersburg, Maryland team is also an “Urban Missionary.” That means that she dedicates her life full time to evangelization. Joanne is enthusiastic, joyful, and a skilled evangelist. In a recent...

Fr. Fox on Our Final Destiny

A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH Sixth Sunday of Easter: May 1, 2016 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( St. Paul tells us something critically important in his Second Letter to the Corinthians, something that...


Gaithersburg, MD. Joanne, the founder and team leader of our Gaithersburg, Maryland team is also an “Urban Missionary.” That means that she dedicates her life full time to evangelization. Joanne is enthusiastic, joyful, and a skilled evangelist. In a recent...

Fr. Fox on Our Good Shepherd

ETERNAL LIFE WITH OUR GOOD SHEPHERD Homily, Fourth Sunday of Easter: April 17, 2016 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( I’ve always been a big fan of Westerns, whether in the form of books, movies, or TV...


Riverside, CA. Our teams usually schedule specific days and times to evangelize. Sometimes, however, God Himself schedules an evangelization outing for us. Here’s a report from Paul: Last week we were planning to go out on Sunday, but on Saturday morning I was taken...

Genuine Conversations

Gaithersburg, MD. Here is a team update from Gaithersburg team member Tom: “On the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the team evangelized at the Lake Forest Transit Center, inclement weather having no effect on the teams’ enthusiasm. This was a particularly rewarding outing,...


Riverside, CA. When our evangelists offer free rosaries and medals and get turned down, the most common next step they take is to wish the person a great day, and let them go. But sometimes they persist; and in turn, sometimes such persistence bears fruit. One of our...