“Evangelizing at St. Vincent de Paul”

Lawrenceville, GA Click here to read more stories from our St. Oliver Plunkett team in Atlanta, GA This report comes from team leader Robert with our St. Oliver Plunkett Parish: Our regular crew made it out, and we continue to welcome our newest evangelizer, Lisa. We...

“Let Your Light Shine Before Men”

Gaithersburg, MD Click here to read more stories from our team in Gaithersburg, MD This report comes from team leader Nancy with our team in Gaithersburg, MD: "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light" (Ephesians 5:8)...

“It’s All About The Eucharist”

Warren, MI Click here to learn more about our Society of Evangelists in Warren, MI This report comes to us from evangelist Br. John with the Society of Evangelists in Warren, MI: Today there was a substitute mail carrier ("Sara") who came in to deliver packages. We...

“God Loves Us Amidst Our Suffering”

Allentown, PA Click here to learn more about our team in Allentown, PA This report comes to us from evangelist Annaleigh with the team in Allentown, PA: We had four people including Chris from New Jersey, Maria, Nick, and myself head out to evangelize on a recent...

“We Were the Highlight of Her Weekend”

Pottsville, PA Click here to read more stories from our team in Pottsville, PA This report comes to us from team leader Annaleigh with the team in Pottsville, PA: We had four people including Chris from New Jersey, Maria, Nick, and myself head out to evangelize on a...

“The Spirit in the Summer Heat”

Pottsville, PA Click here to read more stories from our team in Pottsville, PA This report comes to us from team leader Josette with the St. John the Baptist team in Pottsville, PA: It was a hot day and thunderstorms were forecasted. The last minute idea to offer free...

“Bringing God to the Art Fair, Pt. 2”

Ann Arbor, MI Click here to learn more about our team in Ann Arbor, MI This report comes to us from evangelist Mark with the Ann Arbor team in Ann Arbor, MI: Adam and Mark evangelized at the Ann Arbor Art Festival last Thursday evening, the first day of the festival....

“Bringing God to the Art Fair, Pt. 1”

Ann Arbor, MI Click here to learn more about our team in Ann Arbor, MI This report comes to us from evangelist Mark with the Ann Arbor team in Ann Arbor, MI: Evangelists from across Ann Arbor and Detroit returned to the Ann Arbor Art Festival after a year's absence....

“Giving Time to God”

Wyandotte, MI Click here to read more stories from our team in Lincoln Park, MI This report comes to us from evangelist Mark with the Lincoln Park team in Wyandotte, MI: Bill, Joe, Mark, and Troy evangelized last Saturday, the second day of the Wyandotte Street Art...

“Back at it in Berkeley”

Berkeley, CA Click here to read more stories from our team in Berkeley, CA The following report comes to us from team leader David with our team in Berkeley, CA: We went out for the first time in about 9 mos. CA has had almost a month to get used to being open. We set...