
Detroit, MI. Not only do we minister to people who don't know the Lord while on the street, but also to those who do know Him but are struggling with something and need some encouragement. Today was a perfect example of how members of the body of Christ can help lift...

“We Trust the Good Lord”

Pontiac, MI. Our Lord says He is present in the poor, so it can only be considered a blessing to serve them, as our team did in today's story. Click to read more stories from our Matchan Soup Kitchen team in Pontiac, MI The following report comes to us from evangelist...

“His Mercies Are New Every Morning”

Gaithersburg, MD. The reading from Lamentations 3:22-23 can be very comforting to Christians who may struggle to live an authentically Christian life and go deeper into being changed into His image and likeness. This scripture passage reminds us that God's mercies are...

“Supporting Our Police”

Phoenix, AZ. Today's story features an innovative evangelization idea: writing and sending out evangelistic encouragement cards to Phoenix Police officers. These cards reminded our law enforcement officers that God loves them and that they are appreciated in this...

“Movement Toward Repentance”

Boise, ID. One of our evangelists expressed an important truth in today's story. Sometimes God waits for a movement toward repentance and the will to stop sinful habits before he reaches down with healing. God patiently waits for us to want to change, and then, in His...

“Seeing Smiles Through Masks, Pt. 2”

Snellville, GA. Here is part two of our story, featuring a team who had recently returned to the streets after the quarantine had been lifted and they experienced good results. Click to read more stories from our St. Oliver Plunkett team in Snellville, GA  The...

“Seeing Smiles Through Masks, Pt. 1”

Snellville, GA. Here is part one of our story, featuring a team who had recently returned to the streets after the quarantine had been lifted and they experienced great results. Click to read more stories from our St. Oliver Plunkett team in Snellville, GA  The...

“God is The Greatest”

Lansing, MI. Today's story features a team who felt the promptings of God to get back out there and evangelize. And they were certainly glad that they did. Click here to read more stories from our team in Lansing, MI  The following report comes to us from evangelist...

“The Holy Spirit is Bringing Her Home”

Rochester, MI. Sometimes all you have to do is ask! Today's story features a team that spent a good deal of time talking with two women, and then asked if they'd like to go to Mass. And they said "Yes!" Click here to read more stories from our team in Rochester, MI ...

“Strong Evangelism”

Royal Oak, MI. Different cities naturally draw different crowds. Today's story takes place in a vibrant city area, where younger people tend to gravitate and there is much more foot traffic. A young woman, who normally doesn't evangelize with this team, got to...