Katy, TX. We all have to start somewhere. We’re grateful that our Katy, TX chapter has chosen to begin their adventure in evangelization now. As Our Lord reminds us in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” While there were no miraculous healings or powerful conversions on this day (that we know of), God will use their efforts to bring about spiritual transformation and salvation for those who desire it. So here’s to humble beginnings. May God abundantly bless this SPSE chapter in all their future outings!
The following report comes to us from evangelist Kevin, leader of our team in Katy, TX:
Our local chapter is small; though, that’s no excuse to circumvent the program. We meet regularly and review the class and course materials. Our first local chapter outing was this past weekend. It was a great, crisp, winter morning and an exciting initiation for our chapter. In one of our very first interactions, we offered a rosary to a bird watcher. Later that morning when she circled back to our path, she told us that she just saw a bald eagle! Apparently they are quite rare and she was so super excited to be able to witness such beauty in nature, easy to tie into the beauty that is God. We’re looking to continue our work and have another opportunity in February!
Praised be Jesus Christ! God is always making His love and providence known. In today’s outing, a bald eagle sighting reminds us of the beauty and majesty of God’s creatures. Scripture refers to eagles quite a bit in Exodus, Revelation and the Psalms representing God. St. John the Evangelist is often depicted with an eagle, representing the great spiritual wisdom found in his Gospel. May God keep this chapter in His loving care, and allow them to share the great spiritual truths of Our Lord and the Catholic faith with many souls.
I think it’s just great that you were out bringing Jesus to our world.