Gaithersburg, MD. When Catholics truly understand what Jesus suffered for us, they’ll want to become evangelists and share this truth with the world. The following quote from Blessed Abbot Aelred on Christ’s passion might help us meditate on Our Lord’s great act of mercy: “There is no greater stimulus to love of our enemies than the contemplation of the marvelous patience of him who, though “beautiful beyond the son of men,” offered his face to be spat upon and endured the other torments of his Passion, and who was at last “led like a sheep to slaughter and stood silent like a lamb before the shearers, and did not open his mouth.” Today’s story features a team that attempted to share that truth with those they encountered.
The following report comes to us from evangelist Nancy and our SPSE team in Gaithersburg, MD:
As Bob and I ventured out today on this somewhat milder day of winter, we were reminded of the hope of spring approaching as the daffodils and forsythias are starting to bloom. We are grateful for the warmer temperatures these days. It is also a time of preparation for the greatest feast soon to take place of Our Lord’s resurrection and victory over the darkness, sin and death. The harvest is so ripe and the kingdom of God must be ushered in and the good news preached to the poor. It is a privilege to share in the priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry of Jesus.
We encounter so many young adults who have no direction for their lives and are not baptized into any particular church. That was the case today of four young adults — Samantha, William, Jasmine and Que. As I shared my witness with them and the good news of salvation, they welcomed receiving information about Baptism and the different churches in the area. Please pray that the seeds that were planted would result in them experiencing the Father’s personal love for them. Please also pray for Jayda, a girl who just moved here from Jamaica who is actually Catholic and was eager and grateful to receive information about Mother Seton Parish in Germantown where she lives.
Praised be Jesus Christ! May we all this Lent experience a deeper knowledge of God’s mercy so that what we have received in faith we may give away.