Warren, MI. Our Lord never stops working, never stops healing. He worked tirelessly for us on earth, and so He does in heaven…even during the pandemic. Today’s story features a woman who appears to be on the path to recovery from COVID-19 thanks to Our Lord, possibly working through our School of Evangelization students and staff who prayed for her healing. Whoever He may have used to improve her health, all of the glory goes to God!


The following report comes to us from evangelist-in-training Anne with our School of Evangelization in Novi, MI:
I got a call Tuesday afternoon that my aunt, who had the COVID-19 virus, was not doing good. Her immediate family received a call from her nurse, and then passed the info onto me. Since she tested positive for the virus, no family could be with her at the hospital. I asked Adam Janke and our School of Evangelization class members for prayers for my aunt and her family. On Wednesday, I received a message that my aunt’s family got a call from her nurse that she took a turn for the better! Right now she is still on that road for complete recovery so we are continuing to pray and trust in the Lord!
Many, many prayers have been said for her, and my aunt always believed in the power of prayer and set an example for our hearts that we will never forget!
Praised be Jesus Christ!